<> Feedback Survey <>

We want to ask you, the users,
some questions about
DOGA-L1 Beta and our activities.
Please answer the questions below and let us know what you think.

1. Please let us know
your experience in CG software.
For the first time
2. How easy is DOGA-L1 to install? Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
3. How easy is
DOGA-L1 to use in general?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
4. Could you tell us a difficult point to use DOGA-L1
5. How useful is Help of DOGA-L1 to use? Useful
Not useful
6. How easy are the English expressions used in Program and Help to understand? Easy to understand
No probrem
Found many expressions that should be corrected
Difficult to understand
7. Did you find any bug at DOGA-L1 beta? If you found some, please let us know in detail. Yes, I found it.
No, I didn't find
8. Do you know the software that resembles DOGA-L1? If you know, please let us the name of the software.
Yes, I know one
No, I don't know
9. Do you want to try DOGA-L2? Yes, I want to try
No, I don't want to try
I'm not sure
10. How much will you pay for DOGA-L2 willingly?
11. What kind of information you want more from DOGA? (MA)
About DOGA-L series
Tutorials of L1
About DOGA-L2
About CG animation making
About Japanese animation
Free parts and objects
12. Tell us what do you think of DOGA-L1 and activities of DOGA?

Make sure you are completely
finished before submitting your survey.